Updated January 3, 2025
It’s crucial to know how to prevent tire blowouts and what to do in the event that they do happen, whether you have a motorhome, travel trailer, or fifth wheel. But why do the tires on RVs fail?
Nothing is more pleasant than exploring new places with the family while traveling in an RV. You’ve prepared your rig by packing it full of supplies and have the route all figured out. After a nice cruise through the picturesque roadways, your RV’s tire suddenly pops!
One of the most crucial safety aspects of RVing is knowing our tires. On many rigs, however, tires are one of the most neglected components. There may be a propensity to set tires and forget them, particularly if they are relatively new. Unfortunately, this can be an expensive error for many.
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Why Do RV Tires Blow Out?
What causes RV tire blowouts and how can you avoid them? There are four major reasons why RV tires blow out, including:
The deterioration of tires due to wear
erroneous tire pressure
The RV is too heavy inside and out.
The tires weren’t changed out on time.
It is possible to avoid tire blowouts by carrying out a few simple inspections and routine maintenance.
Wrong Tire Pressure
Poor tire pressure is a major contributor to RV tire blowouts in general for cars. As we mentioned above, an underinflated tire can flex under the pressure of driving, creating an excessive buildup of heat. This is a considerably more serious problem given the heavier weight of an RV in comparison to a car.
You can take a number of steps to reduce your chances of having underinflated tires. Before you leave in your RV, first check the pressure in your tires. Your tire pressures cannot be set and left alone. After being properly set, they must be maintained.
Using a tire pressure monitoring device may be the simplest method to accomplish this. See our article on RV TPMS for a ton more details on this essential piece of RV equipment (tire pressure monitoring system). We’ll define a TPMS and discuss its significance before describing how and why to utilize one.
In essence, a TPMS monitors tire pressure, just as its name says. Many also keep an eye on the temperature of the tires, allowing the system to warn you when either one is too high or too low. Although some systems are more complex than others, they are all made to alert you when your tire pressures require urgent attention.
Most RVers don’t have a clear idea of what their tire pressures should be or how to properly inflate their tires, even though the safety of everyone traveling in your RV depends on them. It’s not as easy as checking the pressures listed on the sidewall of your tires or on a placard inside a door sill, then pumping air into them.
Having a high-quality tire compressor on hand is also essential because you cannot simply walk into any gas station and expect to locate an air compressor that can deliver the 80 to 120 pounds of pressure that many RV tires need.
Tire Wear
The tread’s condition alone does not determine a tire’s integrity. Age of the tire is a key consideration. As tires get older, they may experience problems that weaken and damage their integrity, increasing their vulnerability to blowouts.
Tires can dry rot since so many RVs are either idle or kept in storage for extended periods of time. In addition to aging, UV damage and exposure to the environment can also cause tire dry rot.
The majority of RV tires, however, need to be replaced due to aging well before the tread becomes worn out. In many circumstances, RV tires “age out” before they “wear out.”
Sun Degradation
Although many tire manufacturers assert that RV tires have a maximum lifespan of ten years, riding on them can be hazardous if the rubber in the tire begins to degrade. Dry rot is the main type of RV tire degeneration.
While the RV is parked in the driveway, dry rot can develop due to a lack of use, exposure to the sun, and other environmental factors. Tire pressures that are lower than those advised by the tire manufacturer are other causes of dry rot. While the RV is stationary for any period of time, keep the tires protected from direct sunshine to avoid dry rot.
You should at least move your RV forward or backward by a half tire turn every month or two if you don’t use it much and it spends a lot of time sitting still. This will assist in distributing the load among the tire’s many sides. Even better, use it for a quick drive to exercise the tires and avoid dry rot.
Knowing an RV’s weight restrictions is essential to preventing tire damage because overloaded tires will sag and become more prone to bulges, bubbles, and blowouts. Despite their size, RVs still have a maximum weight. The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) is a measurement that indicates the maximum weight your RV is capable of supporting (GVWR). Additionally, you can obtain the data online or by contacting the maker of your RV.
Once you are aware of the weight limit, you may pack your vehicle with the usual travel supplies and take it to a scale. Although highway truck stations occasionally contain heavy duty truck scales, there are probably other places in your town that have a scale.